Dinnig At Casa Blanca

I am flying my dog with a string
connected to my head!Maroon 
super heros  giggle as they set
my pup on fire,producing a 
sweet savor for omnipotent
sailors!Deaming Quail,chased
by masquorade gorillas,on a
pop corn turf!


Wayward Paper

Child Of Six

A pencil,led and tobacco.What a splendor,
spectacle and tribute,as i gasp for another
jubillee!Trivial Checkerboard,rainbows;
jousting telephone amnesia;also,missing
the trouble,i speak long with Dad,casting
love aside!Aas Agrarians might dream of
poultry,or perhaps another bite of meat
of the hour;taste of surreal,guilded and
with valor!Also do iI reminesce of
dinning at Casa Blanca!

Flaming Hues Of Grammar

The lax of the languid first St.Christopher
becomes;As answers saturated burlesque
lost maternal antler,as of remembering
clock arrows and clacker,the wooden
shaded cock-a-too.
Hammer belted out in clockwise cadence,
in order set in bronze,in flight;the eagle in
front,the lantern of psalms-
The conversing fellows of thoughtfullness,
and ever as;Ever-Remembering lore!
As the oil in its reserviore watered down,
incoherently,as iron ore.
To the latter,is now angled and fastened
as a branch into the walls,blackend with
stories of animals,crowning the latters
spance evermore into the resiviore the
town thusly made.
Ahhh, the spoons are made of gold,
loot is the promenade!As of now,my
freind,the furrowed brown brows
upon the smeltering jade,one would
pay for pleasures of the flesh,but a
garnished dish where the groom is
found spellbound,rotund and lavishly
palpatated;only to serenade?
For now my freind,the foe is sin and I
can open light to soothe your soft head.
anchored so thusly;and the blue is written
yellow,and riding there were only there is
nothingbut;the loss of red.
goat horns
counted creditors
ounces of arithmatic chances
No betrayal enhanansed,
dream oft to the dance!!!
The ounce of time hath ubrupted;no-more-
cooked-up-once-upon-a-time!The occasion
is over,done,it no longer exists!!!
What is more,dear lad is harsh but spoken
true;the words are tarnished,tried and true.
Thewater was spoken true the lass was a lass
at that,mind you;your dwindling,your realing
youve not brought a dime,dollar or sue.
Taste the fruit
Climb inside
where have you been?
what time is it?
What time do you read,my freind?
My time is not a dime.But few into
the crock have been signed to evermore
Taste lad!
indulge and delve
Youve cost me twelve sons called hours
and here are the names of wich like unto the shelf;
look this way,and there and way beyond time!
Oh,you believe me;you havent cost me a lime!!!
What my freind?
how are you?
Do you need a ride?
How about a hammer?
collide with wonder,where the shirt you have on!!!
Tomatoe paste?
creation corn?
Sibling you stewards black leather shoe,
take a few steps outside.
Your planning on going with them?
No way!
Too damn bad!
Your luck is run out!
You make mother terrisa look the Commadors!!!
Reggie Splendor
Kyle Escwander
Mitchelle Tebbleson
Donnell Estandell
Teddy Corahove
Lenny Terrendosaowne
Kennith Dole
Larry Coelhossel
Tommy Corrahorn
Youve become a sin
dear Mr. Buckeye Sheen!!!
whats the big idea with
that Dirty Magazine?
A lonesome grandad
by a lonesome telephone
and a lonely old slide machine?





Dinnig At Casa Blanca


Blue taverns sing,Napoleon scream
onion,onion,onion ring.Abigail on
water,fishing for trout,youd better
not cry you better not pout,for love
is for jester,the king throws a bone,
calling!Calling on the telephone.
surrounded by shepards,that
sacred tomb,weaving truths the old
grey loom.
his nut was fastened,Unsweetable
Chair,going,going,gone;escaped into
thin air.
Weather it was;camera,Ofellia or brine,
the largest of insects wear shoes of mine.
This paper this writ this script succombs
to intellect,the cobblewit depict!
That laugh that luster that slime rhine shrew!
Falling,failing as humans shall do.okay you win!
Im not through yet,will somebody fetch my
bayonette?I kill ill cry i will subdue,and then
reward with honey dew, you!so call and fail
and walk and crawl,upon the makers lot?
I heed the call!




Pledgerised Inticement




Ill Kill Ill Cry I Will Subdue

The Angler And The Silversmith


The child of six she buries
a coin,out she sprang from
her mothers loins.All she
knows and then pretends
she need no more,our
father mends.She takes a
cup to fill with rock,she
says no more,untill she
talks.her words are white
and pure as a dove,The
Book of Life The Book
of Love...




Take heed and thus position a television ore the lake.
Then turn the television on and watch the water splash hither and thither
And all things must come through this television
Even your salvation, whether good or bad.

A kazoo taken and held in the hand, thusly, and like so
And now get excited and hype this up as to the phrase
Like father, like son, then cry out to the inhabitants
((Medusa" and blow your kazoo, thus allowing the rain to fall
Washing the landscape, to and fro.
 Next behold the garbage disposal in the sky
Blackened and with foul reek
But do place within its circumference your waste and refuse
And send the garbage far, far away.
((And this" he said, 11was good."

Now trim your wick, ye children of God
And ye virgins, for the hour of the coming of the Lord is nigh at hand
And liken yourselves unto lanterns
With proficient oil to last the whole of the night
Else ye may not enter the wedding feast.
No, even sent into bleakness and yejh, even spiritual death

Watered scarecrows close the windows,
rug burned indians dry theyre red skin,
as solidified anglers prepare a noon
monsoon red with incoherent bailffs
and sin.glorified bubble gum drops,
formented feilds forging counterfit
racoons,solidified wheelbarrells
and soft silver spoons.
inhanced by milks flourescent taurantula.
Angled saxaphones lax plural mural,corn
meal and sawdust l lewer the fewer still
further.convelescent playing cards obstrue
incoherent dandylions.Pre-eminant homany
envelopes amidst bad demener porcellin!
Treachery Thoughts on river rocks,serenade
Aache tears asunder the night amongst the
chosen.An answer i forwarn for the hymlic
manuver estates,the precarious silver room
and as an sentiment shines through,belches
Isreals betrothed;honorable,tollerable,almost
fallable,with holler oh so terrible,array to the
homestead often bareable,this psalm alone
and the bridegroom parable!



Larry Doomis Had Chicken Feet

A mother Who Suckled Hath Died






Repent Oh Ye Brethren




Antelope Today




Larry doomis had chicken feet
he couldnt help it he was just
born that way.His favorite dish;
chicken cardon bleu.He loved
mercury and vandalism,just
shortly after six oclock.Rocky
marciano was enjoyed with
black licorice and tomatoe
soup.He loathed money pits,
arithmatic and submarines.
his mother only cooked on
arbor day."someday,"he always
said,"im gonna kiss Faye dunaway.
his child was likened unto a
runaway,he slept outside on
saturdays and he loved to eat
hollondaise,he even used it
for a chicken glaze,he ran a tight ship,
he was class president for seven
days.he was then replaced,removed
and reinstated into the drama plays.
everyone said"it was just better that
way!"Larry insisted it was politics.The
Faculty got a pay raise,the coach was
payed on saturdays,and his parents
received a Chevrolet,and the All State
quarterback;Randy Chavez,wasnt even
played!he was re-placed by Nathaneil
Haize,whos father owned the local mill,
news paper,and the car dealership in the
olden days.Even the precher Vanished
without a trace,one cold lonesome Saturday.



Pledgerised Inticement



Asunder The Night

Seeming somewhat fradulant amung the
antelope today,only the liable tyranny,
and tarnished luster clay,adhears to
inablity and thus the palm leaf slothfull
lofty sway,for esscencs reacts with
humming bird,the sun turns night to
day,as the nation reaps curruption,
i will be strong,bold and brave,for
every day i seek his love,on a bloody
cross and grave,when nations turn
its citezens are enslaved,so row row
row your boat oh Stephen roll that
stone away,our lord he is risen,
and in our hearts he shalt sure

Rodesion Crisp perpetuates Wimbledon
Guava,with freshness of grandpa strips
with a horse that wisp's for mocha,ah!
And ginger,what a soft trip,the pantry
flip and,grasps for winter stem!And oh!
Quim Phlemg,Product Five,and Redwalled
Tree Fires;recalled!Astounded backyard
monkey Hide,the Plumb Roast Honey
Bee-hive.Alive With a Hill with gooses
gravy,ah!The Ladled Groom tried!Six or seven
unlocked leven,and entered the hissop
into tree sap for cake mix,whole milk,
Butter and eggwhites for a frost born dew
drop,on a lost lorn mole hill on a Shaded
Judean Hillside...


His wayward papaer conglomerated Friday.
As the washing board situations grew
tremendous;his fasten was mist,always
asking thorn drone inhancement to
stifle the the last of the intuiton few
that formed along the wire box.Some
were thistle rope lorn
conductors,sleeping in the molten
box,but the portrait cured there're
indescision facts,as oboes clocked
the fire wax...

Sailing words upon the ocean of letters.
sentences caught in nets,as scathing
schooners seer before sundown the
painted sea of etiquette!Marbled showers
gather in the flaming hues of grammar,as
the sky sparks and splatters her dreaming
lunar ladder,her captain?A flower.Hues
of assunder,ink blots of thunder and the skiff
go not under,her sails filled with wonder,the
windwheel a ponder,the mast is plowing yonder,
her sails will bid her fonder and lead her to a song bird'
or perhaps,a literary strong that will tame confusion

Hallowed and aloed and slicked up
real nice.For oboe and talcom and
water with ice...
His form apple moth doth shoe
horn with; ablong dice!You reform
from rutabegga your"hmmm,hmm
frosty!"Aside from patrons, you will
follw without few,your worms spit
out glue,upon the old angry barn
mouse baboon!...
your head brims with answers,the
foam vice romancer...someone spit
out this feather from lore,inducing
bannanas and pledgerised pop corn.
Follw the town now,for years shall
intice,lonesome bed forth,your
riddled by lice...
Candy frowns now your formed up
fist,I am Centurion,concauctions lay
amidst,for you to glue upon the
As gumption,fuction Abyss.You are
out the door now,ears of the list...

​​The angler sails the ocean between these
lines,and wades the water at softer times.
The silversmith adds smolten ore;from his
brow to his boot he swets from every pore!
Cotton,roast beef and pillows;from the
latter his smelter billows!From the first kid
right down to the last lamb;the eagle soars
and the fish he swam.As soft as a cloud
leading the way,the angler reaps and is on
his way.
the silversmith smellts and cfafts his sword,
vengence is mine!Thus sayith the Lord,know
ye now,the days of lore,go ye then and sin
no more.

Ago,ages after these pages.A triumph,
ill stages,and withering wages,Tiberious
welcomes his loot;more cages...
A feather as truffles,a prison formed
muffles,an answer as fallen linen
woven.As darkened Ofellia,more
redened cinders dash,around and
dancing;Ebony,Birch and,ash.
As answers, as dancers, the formed
root inhancers.A mother who suckled
hath died...
Tiberious,Tiberious,as for you my
degenerate delerious;hearth hath
dampened your soul,theyre smoulder-
ing heap of coal,indulge your self in
metaphore,and lift your sword no



The ship must sink now
and must sink swift
what to use to sink a
skiff?Ill do it with
silver,Ill do it with
gold!Only Nero would
be so bold.I will go on
living my usual way
and tarry on' from
day to day

Repent oh ye brethren!
whom soever believeth
upon his name who
seek first the kingdom
of Heaven and,having also
the desire to be
numbered amongst the
children of god thus sayeth
the Lord;put away thine
blasphemies and adultries
and obey the course that
Almighty God hath layed
down even the striaght and
narrow.For He who hath tred the
wine press dwelleth upon
high,and suffered much for
righteousness for the
redemption of sin and who
came to his own and his
own received him not!Even
he that was crucified,who has
the authority to command the
winds and the seas!Obey Him!Glory to him who
dwelleth with the Father and
does sit upon the mercy seat.
Take heed and harden not thy
hearts against your brother!
Repent in His Holy Name and
be born from above!For He is
the advocate to the father,
and only through Him Men might
be saved!Obey his commandments
and be numbered among the
Children of God.Beleiveth upon
his name and do exercise the fascility
of true repentence and obtain a place
at thy Fathers table for eternity.Do
practise righteousness in the sight of
the Lord, for he is mercifull unto
all who beileveth upon his name and
do obey his statutes.Sing praises of he who
tred the wine press and does live even
as the Father doth live! for just and right
is he,his doctrine shall distill as the dew,
and he will shower down hailstones and
brimestone and will reward the nations
with pestilance,and hunger.So shall he
be mercifull if only that ye may keep his
commandments in a good and obediant
heart,for the Lord hath stored up treasures
if only ye might do his will and repent
in the name of His only begotten, so that
whosoever beileveth upon His name shalt
not perish but have everlasting life,for God
sent not his Son into the world to condemn
the world but so that through him,the world
might be saved...thus is the kngdom and
glory to God forever and ever,Amen....

Product Five
